The Vanishing Of Sidney Hall (2018)

Tortured Soul & Heart Breaking
A brilliant story contains (Strong Drama, Mystery, Romance, Suspense) it's about a young talent writer (Logan Lerman) wrote a phenomenal novel suddenly becomes the best successful selling-book. the novel influenced some people negatively, tortured Sidney psychologically & put him in a weird situation.
The storyline jumps through stages of Sidney life from 18 to 20 to 30 in very consistent editing makes u explore deeply into each character in the different timeline at the same time in a mysterious way.
Very well acting by (Elle Fanning) Sidney's girlfriend after she amazed me in (The Neon Demon) a great job of (Shawn Christensen) The Director/writer & the whole cast frankly. The movie music sound is amazing
The movie affected me emotionally, it will touch ur heart & leave a bit of grief eventually, ur luck may sometimes smile to u but in return, life will stand against you like Sidney does, but the most beautiful of it how to achieve the dream u plan with ur love at the end. so did he?
My advice never ever listen to the bad critics if u are looking for the answer it's a must watch-movie, I highly recommend.
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