I, Tonya (2018)

Fascinating, Talented, Unexpected
I, Tonya is a great movie in all its elements and standards, its based on a true story of ice skater Tonya Harding biography, the movie concentrates more on her life than the sports achievements, I didn't hear about her before but I realized she was one of the most controversial sport's characters that time, the film combines dramatic & documentary of revealing the truth of her life or lets say seeking for the truth, then it moves through flashback scenes, showing the journey of Tonya Harding from childhood to the youth in very well editing makes certain story sequences quite funny & intersting.
Superior performance by (Margot Robbie/TONYA) after she convinced me playing (Harley Quinn) role in (Suicide Squad) she is an amazing actress. I will not forget (Allison Janney/lavona) tonya's mother with an Outstanding performance like never before.
Shooting the film in a vintage mode it gives you a very nice classic scenes hits of the early 90's, the script editing has done in a smart way without disturbing the dramatic texture of the film which makes the film not boring at all. perfect soundtracks collection.
I, Tonya exceed my expectations is one of the best Film this year, its a highly recommended without a doubt.
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