Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

The Last Jedi one of the divisive film this year, a lot of ppl like it & a lot of them hate it, as I am a big fan of STAR WARS since a kid, this is the worst one of the franchise, I am sorry for that but I used to see STAR WARS in a very strong plot contains a powerful correlate story & successful sequels all the time, not only concentrate into the depths of the characters and to review more aspects of their historical backgrounds, unfortunately this time it failed me.
(George Lucas) the filmmaker & the creator of STAR WARS franchise once declared the ends of STAR WARS original trilogy (A New Hope), (The Empire Strikes Back), (Return of the Jedi) & then change his mind and back with a new sequel (The Force Awakens) with a big success but it has fallen with him in (The Last Jedi).
I don't wanna judge on the film that bad, no I won't, but I always expect an extraordinary sequel especially its one of blockbuster films. the sequel stopped in episode 7 (The Force Awakens) in my opinion & now it becomes more materialistic than artistic work.
The good things in this episode the return of Luke Skywalker, I liked the connection between (Kylo Ren) & (Rey) facing & struggling the force between dark & good, & the reborn of (Darth Vader) legacy. also, I loved the new creature (Porgs) the bird looks like a penguin who lives on the island which luke hides. it so cute & funny.
Director (Rian Johnson) brings out nice visual scenes of STAR WARS battle as we used to see, a great performance by (Daisy Ridley) & (Adam Driver).
On the whole, I like STAR WARS and I can't resist watching it even if was good or bad, but this time I am unsatisfied with, probably the main point of the film has been able to prove & develop new characters for the next generation & new saga. I will give it one more chance & hope to see more in anticipated one (STAR WARS IX) Episode 9 in the future.
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