Justice League

First of all Big Thanks to DC for bringing my lovely superheroes to live again, no matter the movie is good or bad, I enjoyed it because I was a huge fan of comic especially DC UNIVERS characters as I mentioned before.
Zack Snyder ( Director ) who made ( MAN OF STEEL) the best Superman movie I watched, then (BATMAN vs SUPERMAN) the dark version of superheroes, & now (JUSTICE LEAGUE) Union of the heroes.
let's talk about two aspects of the movie:
The story is nice & decent, CGI effects are wondrous for those who complain about Superman CGI Facial it's not noticeable for me, he is not human he has super power u cant take impressions of inhuman if u live the character as I do. so dont blame graphic for this, CGI is stunning.
the sound effects too are amazing, particularly if u experience it with Dolby Atmos Technology.
wonder women ( Gal Gadot ) exceeded my expectations marvelously, her performance is growing up every time she shows up I start to fall in love with the Amazonian girl :).
Aquaman ( Jason Momoa ) he performed the role of character flawlessly & insanely, I can't wait for upcoming Aquaman Movie 2018 to know more.
Cyborg ( Ray Fisher ) Half human, half machine I like his design, he is gonna be one of the superheroes in modern age & his character is under develop.
- All Characters:
I don't feel the spirit of the heroes, sumthing missing, I cant recognize it, it's lifeless, maybe because it's not Solo its multi characters nobody took his rights to play it well.
- Specific Characters :
BATMAN: with all my respect to ( Ben Affleck ) no one can do best of the batman than ( Christian Bale ) I gave another chance of Affleck but still doesn't fit the suit, even the new Batman costume is sucks & childish.
FLASHMAN: I don't like him this way a clumsy & Funny asshole when I still imagine The Flash (1990 TV series) character he still the best Flashman captured in my head.
SUPERMAN: I don't like the death of Kryptonite Man, the last scene of BATMAN VS SUPERMAN in the Clark funeral after everybody leaves the dirt on top Clark's coffin was shaking & levitates.
STEPPENWOLF: the villain wasn't attracted me to pure evil, the character has weak performance i think it needs more time to work on it.
I like the harmony between the characters, Superman steals the show for me no matter of short scenes he takes because an absence of his death but he still the Number 1 Superhero of my life. the connection between bruce & diana is so lovely as it is with clark & lois emotionally.
the movie is fast it need more runtime than 2 hours but its ok I am very hopeful for upcoming DC movies to see more.
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